Energy work and children
Energy Medicine is very helpful for children of all ages.
In this fast time children are overloaded with information. This results for quite some children in stress syndromes or fear.
Energy work is suited for children with ADHD, autism, depression, fears, anxiety, little or no energy and more.
For children I offer this painless energy work at reduced rates, which money will be spend for other children in need.
Experiences and outcomes Energy Work Children
On this page I share some of true stories of my experiences I had with children. The work I do always makes contact with the intelligent energy body of a client. In my sessions I do not judge what is good for anyone. Your energy body knows best. When I work with clients I do not think of a sollution, I do not judge, I do not read minds, I make my head clear, I don't take energy, I don't give energy. The one who is healing itself is you, your intelligence body. Just simple by touch on the head and/or shoulders. In the next stories you will see how an intelligence body reacts on the energy field I work in.
ADHD and not able to sleep (7)
Young boy diagnosted with ADHD. School wanted to reject the boy from school or on medication. Mother rejected and came to me for 2 sessions. Findings during the first session was that he had to much energy which kept continuously flowing. The energy stuffed up in the body what needed to get out. He became uncertain about himself and was slightly depressed. After the first energy medicine session he got more relaxed. His parents gave him melatonin for a little while to be able to fall asleep. To give him the feeling that he could become more certain of himself I gave him a stone he could keep with him in his pocket (which he could choose himself). After two sessions he was much more confident and his energy was back to normal, except for tapping his feet all day at school. He kept his stone for a while, until he forgot he needed the stone. Now 7 years later (14), he is quiet and still needs no medication. For a few years he kept a cushion under his feet, so that he could tap in the classroom. With a big smile he told me that he never forgot the energy sessions.
Autistic and handicapped (4)
A little girl stayed in the car, when she came with her parents and sister to our camping. No way anyone could look into her eyes. No one was allowed to touch her, even not mother and father. Showering, combing hair and every touch was a challenge for dad and mum with a child who used to talk through loud screaming and hitting her 3 year elder sister. Also I could not touch her, there was no contact. The next day the girl was sitting straight-up in the chair outside opposite to her mother. I was sitting beside her, she did not notice me somehow. I did not attract any attention and I put my arm slowly on her chair behind her back. She could not feel my arm. Then something beautiful happened. The energy pulled her to my arm, which was laying on the back of her chair and she fell into my arm. She laid relaxed in my arm for about 20 seconds. Suddenly she saw that she was lying in my arm and looked at me with a face what happened? Her mother was very surprised that this happened. The same evening mother was allowed to shower her and comb her hair. I made two little tails in her hair and she felt pretty. She even could say my name. The no-touch problem was solved at this first meeting with Energy Medicine. The second session helped her to be less afraid and therefore less aggressive with other children. The third session helped her getting off the diapers. The fourth and last session helped her with extreme panic attacks. This last session could only to be solved with a family session. These four sessions were held over a period of 5 years. Now she is about 10 years and she can talk and play.
Angriness and extreme fear (9)
A young boy was not happy at all. He was on the campsite with his dad, mum and 2 brothers. He did not like anyone around him and had daily fights with his dad already at this young age. Always feeling like he as the only one who was punished in the world. His mother brought him for a session and he thought it was o.k.. After the session he was very relaxed and smiled. I asked him what he wanted to do. He went outside and played with his friends and brothers. No fight only laughter, until the next day. His mother came and told me something happened to him. He was kind of lost and in panic. He said: I don't know what to do, I don't know, help me! I told him to come inside, without his mother. I asked him if he trusted me. He calmed down and said yes I do. I put him on the chair and asked him to close his eyes and just feel safe as I am here too. He closed his eyes and he started visualising colours. First red, he liked that and blew it away. Then there was a blue ball. He liked it too, and blew it away. Then there was a huge black ball, that was growing. He screamed at me and said that he saw this black ball, where he was so afraid of. I told him just blow it away from you and blow as hard as you can. He told me he, the ball stayed in the corner of the room, beside my head. This worried him and made him afraid that the huge black ball would hurt me. I told him to leave the ball there and that I would take care of the ball, so that it would disappear. He asked me, are you sure? Yes, I said, certainly. He opened his eyes and the fear was gone. He asked for his mum and I went to get her. They hugged for 10 minutes. He is released from his fears as from that time.