Experience and outcomes hands-on Energy Work Adults
In my sessions I do not judge what is good for anyone. Your energy body knows best. When I work with clients I do not think of a sollution, I do not judge, I do not read minds, I make my head clear, I don't take energy, I don't give energy. The one who is healing itself is you, your intelligence body. Just simple by touch on the head and/or shoulders and a if necessary a coaching talk or a foot massage. In the next stories you will see how an intelligence body reacts on the energy field I work in.
A story of Coaching on Empowerment and Energy Medicine (50)
'Thrown out of my job', she said, 'now my hair is falling out'. A women felt not needed, not wanted, depleted of energy and did not know what to do. This session started with a talk. The lady needed to ventilate her story. After some time I started the energy medicine session and I shared some fresh water with her. Because of the EM session she was relaxed and we talked about a solution this time. A change of job does not disappear with a treatment, only the way the client will handle this problem, and the role she plays in this problem, can help. We found a solution. Now she is with the same employer on another place and she is coaching youngsters with the same problem she had. And yes, her hair was back a few months later....
ME/CVS Energy Medicine session (52)
A woman, a nurse, a reiki master, almost not able to walk, totally depleted of energy, not able to work, sick and everyday was a brand new day of pain and bitterness, stumbled into my practice. 'Can you help me please?' she said. I will try, I told her, energy searches its own path, so I will try to do whatever I can. As soon as I started the Energy Medicine, emotions started to flow out. Crying and crawling on the floor. So much pain was coming out of the body. After a half an hour she stood up and looked at me and she told me about the relieve she had experienced. All those years of carrying this old pain and experiences. The ME/CVS was gone and still isn't back 6 years later.
Post-stroke Energy treatment (58)
A 58-year old man had a severe stroke and lost his energy and was very tired. He lost his ability to laugh, had very slow speech and continuously forgot words, he had stiffness in the right arm and right hand, one shoulder was hanging sidewards (+/- 2,5 cm). He had trouble walking straight up. There was stiffness in the left leg and a dropping foot. The first session I went to his home. At this first sessions he gained a good deal of his energy back, which resulted in a slight better speech. The second session brought his should back in place and he could walk straight up. His laugh - what was so him - was back too! The stiffness in arm and leg remained for a great deal, but the dropping foot was gone. A third session was done a month later. Energy level was still good, speech and memory was still much better than before and he still could laugh. The remains of the stiffness in arm and leg stayed as the Energy Medicine stopped it's work there. Now 7 years later his condition is the same as after the third session.