GMO & pesticides
Is Genetically Modified food and pesticide killing us and our children?
Did you know that Genetically Manipulated (GMO) food contains DNA from animals and plants that mixes with your DNA? And with the DNA of your children? Do you know that children are becoming more autistic or mega rebellious because of these nutritional adjustments? Did you know that the animals you eat contain large amounts of antibiotics and that these antibiotics perforate your intestines, because this combination destroys all good intestinal bacteria? Did you know that this method of nutrition creation, cancer, serious heart problems, chronic diseases are encouraged.
On this video you see a family of 5 people, who together have 21 chronic diseases. The reason for this? The doctors in the video explain ...
A number of countries in Europe are still GMO-free. Pay attention to the packaging and inform yourself about the dangers of GMO and pesticide on the food. Inform yourself, help your (grand) children, adjust your lifestyle, it is not that difficult and share the video ...