Be who you want to be, be you ...
Meditation & healing in the heart of France
The perfect start for learning how to manage your life
Learn to find your innerself and just be ...
Whole person healing
To become a whole person, you have to know yourself through your innerself. But the question is, how do we get there 'in our innerself'? First of all this journey starts with a personal energy session. The second step could be meditation, where you will be helped where needed, to empty the mind and get in touch with deeper levels of yourself. When the body is confronted with pain or emotions meditation sometimes is difficult. The personnal energy session will overcome this problem.
Sessions also include a footmassage, but often a quantum energetic hands-on technique will do the job to get you in a state of stress release or a deep meditation state. Also scenar sessions (safe Russian Space technology) can be used to give the immune system a boost, to repair parts in the body.
As from the start the whole body treatment the body starts healing from old pain. Old pain almost never comes alone. Pain is build-up in layers and have to be treated one by one. It's like peeling an onion. Often more hulls come off in one session. At that moment the body starts healing itself. The possibility exists during a hands-on session that you will have contact with higher spirits like guardian angels, loved ones who passed away and/or your guide. The client who experiences this contact remembers what he/she had forgotten. This forgotten part is necessary to remember to heal. The client remembers the beauty of its being, the necessity of life. It's the most beautiful experience one can receive! Healing will start in the body and the mind, but also the spiritual healing will start leading to fulfilling the soul.
Handling Stress release a strategic step forward
The stress release sessions include guided sessions, in which stress will be released immediately. The techniques can be easily learned and taken home.
How to get in touch with your innerself
We offer guided meditation and guided stress releasing techniques like spiritual drawing. Meditation is being with yourself for 30-45 minutes a few times a day in silence. In this way we can walk/sit/stand and meditate at the same time and in any place or environment you want to meditate. Even if you find meditation difficult, you will be able to get in touch with you innerself with my help through a hands-on meditation technique.
The most beautiful of this part is that we are able to get in contact with our innerself, without being bothered by external disturbances. Of course the beautiful, natural environment of our garden will help you to get in touch with your essence. If any disturbances are there, I will learn you to acknowledge them, and in the same time stay in your own space. You learn to be ...

Empowering yourself
Most of us were told what we have to do in this life. For instance by our parents, through schools and more schools, economical situations and in jobs. Everyday we have to conform us to a system that shapes us to become someone or to get something we would like. We have to do what others tell us what is best for us. We started believing what was told to us by external organisations and institutions and this made us less and less powerful beings. Lots of people have trouble with coping with this external information and lost track in life. How can we eat when we have no job? How can I be healthy when I have to work so much? Where do I live when I can't find a home? And when I find a house, how can I pay for it? Jobs are getting less and less.
There are options for empowered people. First they have to start acknowledging their being and what they want to do in their life. The universe will provide us with what we need, because you look different at your life.
At your stay we will work on this part. If your want to empoyer yourself in your personal situation, 45 minutes sessions are available too.
Communicate your observations
The quietness and beauty of nature will bring the best out of you and will enhance inner healing. As mentioned before all handed tools will give you the opportunity to manage your own life. Silence is important for our total being and also sharing experiences with each other will enhance your innerself. We will have a moment sharing at the end of the day after. The feeling of tidiness and a fresh start in the morning, will promote better sleep. Communicating with each other will also give you insights that we are not that different of each other as we think we are.
Creative activities
Inner healing includes many things. The left brain healing is based on letting go of an overflow of brainactivity and get the mind quiet and peaceful. The right brain healing is based on getting your creative memories back and the inner peace you had in your early childhood and learning to use it again. In the meditation & healing at our premises in France simple creative activities will be also done.