Personal coaching
Helping you to find your innerself with where I was born with, what I learned on this earth and with help of our spiritual guides
The first session communication with your whole being
We all have a life questions. These could be about how express yourself in this life, for instance in your job, in your relationship with others, but also why you are you and what you are doing here.
I personally coach people with all kinds of life questions with the help of Energy Medicine techniques. This includes the body, the mind and the soul part of your whole being.
For your mind and it's related illnesses and emotions, It is necessary to find out where possible problems come from. Communicating with your heart can get the answers from your innerself. If you want to talk about any problem you are finding on your path, that's o.k.. But if you don't want to talk about anything, even that is not a problem, it's o.k. too.
I don't have to know anything about your life, when I work with Energy Medicine. I don't judge, I don't read your mind, I am only helping you to get rid of problems that are bothering you. I help you to realign again and Energy Medicine will give you the answers right away that you need to go further.
Sometimes Energy Medicine will start neuroplasticity in the brains. The brain has the capacity to repair itself by making bypasses with the help of Energy Medicine. This is a very helpful for people suffering from dementia, parkinsons and other brain damage.
Food, vitamines and minerals
If necessary advice can be given.
How a session works
The body knows, but does not remember. An energy session will search the part that is in conflict with your health, your happiness, your joy of life and will help your body to find a solution.
The session itself will be done with a hands-on technique. The only clothes that are taken off are the shoes and the leather belt. Mobile phones are not allowed in the near of the client. The client's body will do all the work itself. The body will never overdo as it is having its own intelligence. There is no interference from me in healing the body as it is using its own intelligence and I am your medium in this journey.
Meeting your guides
The possibility exists during a session that you will have contact with higher spirits like guardian angels, loved ones who passed away and/or your guide. Sometimes you will feel an old 'emotion' dissapear. The client who experiences this contact remembers what he/she had forgotten. The client remembers the beauty of its being, the necessity of life. It's the most beautiful experience one can receive! Healing will start in the body and the mind, but also the spiritual healing will start leading to fulfilling the soul.