Scenar outcomes
The scenar device is a great instrument against pain, but as soon as it came on my path I felt I had to experience the outcome of the scenar sessions on heart problems.
My husband Rudi had a sincere problem with his heart after a series of coincidences (although coincidences do not exist of course). These problems caused failure of the heartpump less than 25% , extreme tiredness, couldn't breath, diastolic bloodpressure way too high, fibrillation of the heart, high heart rate >160 p/m, continuously extrasystoles.
Rudi was urgently hospitalised for 12 days. I am grateful the doctors brought Rudi in a stable state and as he was allowed to go home with 7 different drugs, but the heartpump still was only 32% . The doctor hoped Rudi's situation would go better when he would be in his own environment. It was needed that the heartpump would go up to minimal 55% to lead a normal life.
But going home with only 32% of the heartpump and being tired is not a very qualitative life. Rudi's face was blueish white. His hands and feet were cold. He looked like a 90-year old man. He could not do more than that. Yes, it was a serious condition. This did not change, but even got worse. What could we do? Hands-on healing did not bring the desired outcomes at that moment. We decided to use the scenar device.
These scenar sessions were done for 21 days with one session a day. Every day we took the bloodpressure 4x on the same time, controlled Rudi's weight, checking his oxygen in the blood as we were critically watching the outcomes how the heart was reacting on the drugs. Sometimes is was needed to take less (build down) to get better results. After a few weeks Rudi used less drugs, but kept the one against bloodclothing of course. This drugs decision will be discussed with our doctors of course next time we are in the hospital. During the sessions Rudi regained a natural colour, his tiredness disappeared. Step by step.
Results after 1-1/2 month
Although the proces took some caution in handling and a lot of thinking, the outcomes at home were good. There were no extrasystoles, bp around 13/8, heartrate between 60-70,
oxygen in the blood perfect, stronger heartbeat.
The doctor told me that Rudi's heartpump is 70% ... perfect she said!
After 1-1/2 month our home doctor had Rudi's blood tested. The outcomes are good for the crucial points (hearth, thyroid, etc.) except the kidneys are still in trouble.
Last week we went to the hospital for an echo of the hearth. Incredible outcomes! I asked the doctor who did the test (an other doctor then before) is his hearth ok now? The doctor asked me was there anything wrong with the hearth? The only thing she could see is that Rudi had high BP before. She told me his heartpump is 70% .... perfect she said! Especially when we take in consideration that a normal heartpump is between 60-70% for a healthy adult.
Extra's needed ...
In this case Rudi took supplements too and as Rudi was always a little short of breath (as from childhood) we also used the Frolov breathing device 2x a day and he will do this until his brains remember how to breath as necessary. Look critically at your food intake and walk minimal 1/2 hour a day. Don't overdo anything and most important listen to your body and even talk to your body and organs. Stay in balance.
Sleep apnea
What to do if someone stops breathing in his sleep.
Sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes for a minute or more. This is a terrible experience for the person himself / herself and for the partner. But also for the body is screaming for help. Sleep apnea affects the working of the aorta, the throat, the lungs, the heart, the breast and the arteria carotis communis in the neck.
The centre of breathing is found in the brain stem. This part of the brain regulates the respiration. After using the scenar on the affected areas, no results were found on sleep apnea. But if the brain centre is regulating the breathing in and out, there could be a possibility that the respiratory centre (centre of breathing) would be not working well?
Using the scenar directly on the brain stem (with a special small device), the scenar picks up the frequency breathing centre in the brain and start repairing the parts of the centre where its necessary.
Example: our client suffered from short and long stops of breathing in the night, choacking experiences, heart and long problems, heavy dreaming periods.
After using the special scenar device first on the affected areas over some time, the last use was on the brain stem, his apnea stopped and breathing was regulated.